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 We  know about the floods in Pakistan.
We want to help the people there so we are collecting small change and filling a can.
Every class is having a cake sale too, so we can get yummy treats and help Pakistan!

On Friday 1st Oct it is our turn to hold the cake sale!

The Farmer's Dilemma

The farmer must take a hen, a bag of grain and a fox across a river in a boat.   The boat has only two places i.e. one for the farmer and one other.  
The difficulty is that the fox and hen cannot be left unsupervised, nor can the hen and bag of grain.                                                                                                                                     How can the Farmer get himself and his grain,hen and fox safely across the river . How many trips will it take him?

Christmas Cards

We are designing our own Christmas cards. We want to do beautiful drawing and colouring so teacher gave us no other homework tonight!

Golden Rules

When we keep our Golden Rules, we get Golden Time where we can play with toys and games!

We are gentle: we don't hurt others
See full size imageWe are kind and helpful: we don't hurt feelings
We are honest: we don't cover up the truth
We work hard:we don't waste time
We listen: we don't interrupt
We look after property: we don't damage things


We are going swimming on Fridays for 5 weeks.
Sept 10, 17, 24, 27and Oct 8.
Thanks to all the parents who come and help us!

How to leave a comment

A step by step guide on leaving a comment on our blog.

1. Click on the title of the post you want to leave a comment on.

2. This brings you to the full page with comments.  Scroll down to the bottom.  Here, you'll see the Post Comment Section.
 3. To put your name in, click on "Comment as" section. Click on "Name/URL" of the dropdown menu.

4. A box will pop up.  Type in your name.  Leave the URL box empty. (URL is for someone leaving a web address/ link). Click continue.

5. The box will disappear and you will be brought back to Post a Comment box.  (You'll notice your name is now in the Comment as section).  Type in your message and click "Post Comment".

6.  Last step!  You will be asked to type in a word (word changes every time).  (This is to stop any spam comments- people trying to advertise on our blog).  Type the word and then click "Post comment"

7.  Your comment is now in our inbox.  We check our comments everyday and publish them so your comment will appear as soon as we've read it first. (I read them before class, then check them with the kids in class and we publish them together.)

Finally, thanks for taking the time to post a comment.  We really appreciate them!


This is our new class blog. We will be posting our class activities throughout the year. 
We’d love some comments when we get up and running. 
If you would like to post a comment please just use your first name and who you know in the class, e.g Pat (Ann's dad).