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Santa Claus came to school!

Pitching to the Dragons!

Meet the Dragons

Today we held our "Dragons' Den" where 6th class pitched their ideas for Junior Entrepreneur to a panel of "Dragons"!
The Dragons were very impressed with the presentation and research done by each group and how well they were able to answer questions put to them by the Dragons.
The Dragons

This certainly got our attention...(it was quickly returned after the event!)

 Button Mania

Star Light Candles 


Kool Kits

Kiddies Jobs List

Fantastic Felts

Forest Fun Run

Button art

Story starters

short story blog
This is a link to the BBC short story website. There are ideas from authors, samples of short stories and tips to engage your readers/listeners.
The story starter for this week is...
They were in the grocery store, in the freezer section when it happened.

commemorative medals

On the summer holiday I went to Normandy , France. It was there 70th anniversary. They were celebrating d- day on the 6th of June 1944. My family and I visited the beach where the war had started. We went to a souvenir shop and that's where I bought these commemorative medals .

Karla's crafts!

Karla took to Pinterest over the Hallowe'en holidays.
Look at the beautiful things she made:

String art