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Confirmation party!

Sorry for the delay- been a busy few weeks here and it's getting busier!
Here are some pics of the Confirmation class party. We had quite a calm celebration....

Spelling Bee

Today we held our in-school Spelling Bee competition. The finalist will represent us in the county finals on the 9th May.
5th and 6th class pupils participated while 4th were invited as audience members.
We started with 26 contestants and a few rounds of the "easy" spellings. Moving on to the "medium" level saw more and more pupils being eliminated.
When we got down to 5 pupils, we moved onto the "hard" words.
These left even the teachers a bit pale!
After a nail-biting final round, we found our winner.
Congratulations to Callum for a great performance!

Out and about!

St. Pat's invited 6th classes from all around to watch a performance of the 1st half of their new production, "Oliver".
The show was amazing; with a huge range of talents and skills on display from stage scenery, musical scores, fantastic costumes and very impressive cockney accents!
As the sun was shining on our way back to school, we stopped at the playground for short while.

We ended our little jaunt with some Mr.Freezes! So, blue-tongued, we returned to school.


The children created oobleck (non newtonian fluid) which consisted of cornflower, water and food colouring within their maths lesson. 
The children of 6th class had to complete a maths trail by solving different measuring problems to find out how much 'oobleck juice' they needed to mix with the 'oobleck powder'.